The highlights:
Taking the highest honors for my 2009 memories will be my trip to Europe in June (all of June). It was a monster trip that led to 15,947 words and 34 pages of blogging that can viewed here
I also bought my first home in September which proved to be quite a headache and although the $8,000 tax credit normally comes between 4-12 weeks, I now am 17 weeks after closing date still waiting for mine and appears to be another 6-8 weeks according to the IRS (hooray).
A highlight that I am was so proud to be involved with was the passage of Maps 3. Being a downtown worker and having a strong passion for OKC, I am constantly diving into OKC's history whether it be from simple observations, to listening to stories even reading books (shout out to Steve Lackmeyer
I was 10 when the first Maps passed and have trouble remembering certain aspects of OKC pre-1993 but as MAPS 3 will begin to evolve over the next decade and beyond I'll be able to smile and think, "I remember when..."